Second part of our Dance Summer Camp 2015!

We believe you have to do what you love. And we believe the world needs strong & inspired girls and boys like you who are doing more of what they love. At Dance Marbella SUMMER CAMP 2015 you’ll find : -a great positive atmosphere, -experienced dance teachers and...

This July we had an amazing experience with Dance Marbella SUMMER CAMP 2015 ! 12 day of fun, joy and dance !!! Thanx for everyone who joined us !!! more pictures HERE ! В этом июле у нас прошел отличный 12-ти дневный марафон танца и спорта – летний лагерь...

Jazz class!!! Dance Marbella students tried this new type of dance for the 1st time in their lives !!! We are really proud of them , we know that it is very difficult and mostly danced by adults – but you did a great job...

Final day of SUMMER CAMP 2015Final day of SUMMER CAMP 2015

Congratulations!!! Our Dance Marbella SUMNER CAMP 2015 ( in july ) is done !!! Everyone has really improved and got great results! WELL DONE , guys! Now it s time to rest and enjoy the summer … And see you all in August SUMMER CAMP !!! Best regards, Your Nadia...

Kick-boxing FITNESS class!!Кик-боксинг ФИТНЕС КЛАСС!!

Find more pics HERE  — at Dance Marbella. A little bit of Kickboxing at Dance Marbella SUMMER CAMP 2015 to get fit , strong and active! Our pupils love it !!!  — at Dance Marbella. Тренируем выносливость , силу и стойкость , совершенствует свою скорость и мышечный...