by revan | May 4, 2016 | News
Don´t miss great Opportunity for this summer – DANCE MARBELLA SUMMER CAMP 2016!!! 27th of june – 8 th of july! 2 week of fun, joy and happiness !!! 2 weeks of music, dance and firness!! 2 weeks with friends and great teachers! book it now! Совсем совсем...
by revan | May 4, 2016 | News
at Dance Marbella. Only 1 month left till the Dance Marbella GRADUATION SHOW 2016 !!! group “KIDS 2” is practicing their Quickstep for the performance! Наша жизнь – это танец. Учитесь танцевать красиво. В этой студии ребенок погружается в волшебный мир...
by revan | May 4, 2016 | News
even on Sundays we are training !!! our Dance Marbella students have a professional way of thinking ! Bravo girls!!! preparing for the Graduation party 2016!!!! Даже в воскресенье мы работаем!!! Готовимся к предстоящему отчетному концерту! Группа тинейджеров во время...
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