Final Dance “DANCE MIX” – we finished the 1st part of your Dance Festival “UNIDOS POR EL BAILE” with a show “DANCE MIX” under the sound track from the cartoon “Happy feet 2 “. Enjoy the mix of different age groups and dance styles. The choreograph –...

Dance Festival ” UNIDOS POR EL BAILE” on boulevard San Pedro de AlcantaraTанцевальный фестиваль “UNIDOS POR EL BAILE” В амфитеатре на бульваре в сан Педро !!!

on the 7th of June Dance Marbella with 4 more dance schools had an amazing event to celebrate the end of the dance season 2014-2015!!! all our pupils went to make 11 shows in total on the open air Amphitheatre in San Pedro . we would like to say thank you to everyone...

New classes start in June!!!! Don´t miss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Новые фитнес классы в Июне !!! Не пропустите!!! Подготовьте свое тело к летнему сезону !