Dance Festival ” UNIDOS POR EL BAILE” on boulevard San Pedro de AlcantaraTанцевальный фестиваль “UNIDOS POR EL BAILE” В амфитеатре на бульваре в сан Педро !!!

on the 7th of June Dance Marbella with 4 more dance schools had an amazing event to celebrate the end of the dance season 2014-2015!!! all our pupils went to make 11 shows in total on the open air Amphitheatre in San Pedro . we would like to say thank you to everyone...

Ballroom for kidsУроки танцев для детей

Dance lessons teach children respect and discipline. It helps to build social awareness in children, so they not only learn how to dance; they also learn how to respect one another. The maturity necessary to dance together fosters respect, civility, teamwork,...

see more Dance Marbella students   here