at Dance Marbella. Don´t miss a great opportunity to start your POLE DANCE class  !!! Get ready for the summer!!! contact us – and get the 1st class for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Benefits of pole dance fitness: -Fat burning -Increases energy -Improves confidence...

on Sunday at our Dance Festival !!!!! about 400 guests… We DID IT!!!!!!!! well done!Огромное количество человек пришло посмотреть и поддержать нас на Танцевальном Фестивале “UNIDOS POR EL BAILE” !!!! Более 400 гостей! Было здорово !!! Спасибо всем...

Dance Marbella pupils – Jake and Clara – had their 2nd competition today in Granada, Spain !!! Well done guys , proud of you ! Getting more experience!!!!!!!!

Our pupils – ( KIDS 2 category) – just started to make first steps in SLOW WALTZ !