at Dance Marbella. Already tomorrow we are starting our Dance marbella SUMMER CAMP 2016 ! if you would like : – your kids to get fit and flexible – your kids to learn a lot of new dances – find a lot of friends – have some free time without...

Dance Marbella SUMMER CAMP 2016 program is for boys and girls, children to teenagers, beginners to advanced who love to dance. This dance school is quite famous of doing very interesting Dance Summer Camps in Moscow, Russia, and Marbella. Children of different ages...

Summer Camp 2016Летний Лагерь 2016 !!!

Don´t miss great Opportunity for this summer – DANCE MARBELLA SUMMER CAMP 2016!!! 27th of june – 8 th of july! 2 week of fun, joy and happiness !!! 2 weeks of music, dance and firness!! 2 weeks with friends and great teachers! book it now! Совсем совсем... Lisa Marie teaching her Booty Camp for ladies in Marbella. It helps females to lose fat, shape and firm their bodies and feel sexier. Lisa Marie work in Marbella area and also teachers Yoga at Purobeach Marbella. She offers...